Friends, we announce the start of our Christmas Hanging Good campaign. You remember the “Hanging Coffee” initiative that took Europe by storm a few years ago. Back then, anyone who wanted to give a little warmth and comfort to a person without financial means pre-paid for one or more coffees in certain establishments. We decided to extend the reach and organize a charity action for prepaid food products. Unfortunately, we have a lot of fellow citizens who can’t enjoy the Christmas everyone is looking forward to because they are missing the most basic necessities. This is a good people’s cause for other good people to whom fate has not been so kind. Those who can increase the number of some of the food items when shopping at the neighborhood store will prepay at the checkout one or more of their choice. Let it be packaged, non-perishables or canned to ensure safe storage. They will be set aside by the store staff for other good people who need food. We will invite those in need from the social institutions in town to visit the stores. Any of you can donate to the campaign at our bank account:
IBAN: BG13FINV91501017658126
Holder: Association “close to you”
We, from the association “CLOSE TO YOU”, will prepay certain amounts within which the socially disadvantaged people of Dupnitsa can choose what they need, including sanitary and hygiene products. We are counting on grocery store owners, and why not fast food restaurants, to lend a hand and help us in our mission to give the needy a warmer and more peaceful Christmas together. We’ll be tagging the stores we partner with with special window signs and displaying them here. We’re counting on all of you who have proven so many times before that kindness is contagious, that every gesture, however small, to someone in need is a huge step toward your own happiness. Soon we will announce the stores participating in the Christmas charity campaign “Hanging Good”, which will bring a new, true Christmas spirit in Dupnitsa and we trust that you will support us as you have supported us in our initiatives so far. For the upcoming holidays, let’s take care of more than just our families and mobilize our joint efforts to turn empathy into energy for good! And if good meets good, the campaign will become year-round!